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Intermittent Fasting and Random Workouts

To get the best results out of your fitness strategy, you need a routine that's as unique as you are. Your plan shoul...

Cardio + Strength Training = Total Workout Success

Exercise keeps us both physically and mentally sharp, and it's an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. If you want t...

Get Fit In A Super-Size World

Today's world is filled with things that make plus-size living seem easier than a fit life. From decadent desserts to...

5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Home Workout

Working out is beneficial for both your mind and body. But, if you really want to increase your fitness or muscle gai...

How to Declutter Your Life

To clear out the clutter in your life, we'll take a look at the physical and emotional clutter. Download our Declutte...

Lose 20 Pounds this month? Stop Right There.

Guest blog written by Devon Kroesche, submitted by Andrew M. Wade, RDN, LDN, founder and owner of Case Specific Nutri...

6 Steps to Create Your Own Fitness & Diet Plan

You're ready to start a new diet or fitness regimen but not quite sure where to begin. It's a common predicament — wi...

Lower the Bar: Fitness for Real Beginners

As backwards as this might sound, if you’re just starting out or getting back into fitness, you want to set the bar l...

What is Indoor Rowing?

What is indoor Rowing? A rowing machine or an indoor rower, is a machine used to mimic the motion of rowing in the wa...

5 Secret Tips to Staying Motivated

The 5 secrets to staying Motivated Do you have a friend who is always motivated? He lives in the gym, never misses a ...

Why Should I Use a Personal Trainer?

The best way to learn how to workout correctly is to learn from a personal trainer. We can have all the desire to sha...

Debunking the Diet Myth

It seems like every time a new year rolls around, it is a “resolution” to lose weight and exercise. I challenge you t...
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